A Compliance Office in the Cloud
All the tools you need to stay SRA compliant on one platform.
Say goodbye to spreadsheets, manual reports and costly piecemeal solutions
Simple forms capturing SRA-ready data
File reviews, Complaints, Undertakings, Rule breaches, Gifts and more…
Instantly export in CSV (Excel)
Work seamlessly with compliance templates
Risk & Compliance manual, Anti-money laundering, Cyber crime, Continuing competence, Lexcel & SQM compatible
View contents page (PDF) and a sample of extracts from the manual.
Compliance reporting made easy
Spot gaps and trends immediately
Simplify SRA report preparation
Simplify meeting SRA requirements to log and monitor compliance
Simplify accreditation logs
Automated email chasing
Save time and money by automating email reminders where logs need updating or file reviews are outstanding. Also, automatically CC in colleagues when high-risk matters are logged.
Firm wide compliance e-learning & CPD management
Report on firm-wide CPD compliance
The reporting features will allow you to sign the SRA’s new declaration in the PC bulk renewal exercise with complete peace of mind. You can see instantly if all solicitors have “reflected on their practice and addressed any identified learning and development needs.” as the SRA declaration will require.
Firm-wide e-learning
Enrol your whole firm on high-quality interactive risk and compliance e-learning designed by true experts including cyber security (view sample), CPD, conflicts of interest, equality, bribery, anti-money laundering (view sample), data protection, accounts rules and more. Audit firm-wide completion at the click of a button.
Create a CPD plan
Use our interactive step-by-step CPD forms to easily reflect on your practice and plan learning and development objectives as required by the SRA’s new continuing competence regime. Once submitted, you can download or print your CPD Plan for the year at any time.
Evaluate your CPD activities with ease
With a simple star rating system, you can fulfil the SRA’s requirement to evaluate your CPD activities with ease. Got more to say? Not a problem, add as many notes and reflections on the activities as you need. You can also save time and avoid duplication by logging completion of the CPD activities directly from your CPD plan.
Ready to save hours of time and effort on spreadsheets, training and chasing?
Get in touch to discuss a demo