SRA Compliance ‘Health Checks’ for UK Law Firms

With years of expertise in SRA conduct, money laundering and accounts rules, as well as access to a suite of templates and training solutions, our SRA consultants can assess weaknesses and solve problems with speed and efficiency.

We offer (separately or alongside an AML audit) a comprehensive set of wider SRA compliance checks. This includes

  • looking at your SRA compliance procedures,
  • an SRA law firm website price transparency audit,
  • review of the client care and terms,
  • review of training records, file reviews and speaking with staff to gauge compliance awareness in the business.

Inevitably we do find areas which need some work and you can make use of our templates and e-learning to solve the problems at no extra cost. Alternatively we can arrange to conduct the additional remedial work for you.

What the Health Check report looks like

The document is organised as a table including

  • a list of requirements for all law firms
  • a colour-coded assessment of your current level of compliance and level of risk posed
  • further comments where necessary.
SRA Audit Health Check Checklist Extract for SRA UK Law Firms

Get in touch

Call 01789 868444 or send us an email


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